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Recycle Now

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Author Comments

I made this for a school assignment, it had to promote recycling within the community.

Sorry about the length, we had very limited time...

Enjoy =D


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Ok, but...

It's a strong message, but without explaining the "cause" you've neutered the "effect". Follow me here...

I live in the middle of a land-locked city. How does my unrecycled plastic end up in the ocean? You need to explain that. You need to explain that by tossing plastic bottles in the street, even in a land-locked city, rainwater can wash them into sewer systems, then into rivers which lead to the ocean.

Also, you could explain the economic implications of plastic recycling. It takes far more energy to create a new plastic bottle than it does to recycle an old one. Better yet, it takes more energy to create a new plastic bottle than it does to re-use an old one. It takes far more time, energy, money (resources) to produce and ship bottled water than it does to simply install a water filter on your faucet (something people are starting to realize, especially since bottled water really doesn't have to follow any kind of standards for purity.)

There's more to this than just showing some fish in the ocean with a coke bottle ringer around it's neck. I understand the emotional impact you're going for, but unless you follow and show the viewer the chain of precedence on how it's THEIR fault or why THEY should care, some folks will just blow this off as an emotional plea with little logic supporting it.

Tom-Arto responds:


As i mentioned in the comments I had to deal with massive time restraints for both creation and final length, already well exceeding the time limit of 45 seconds. I felt that consequenses were far more powerful in pursuaded a viewer of the importance of recycling than a lengthy montage of the bottle's journey into an ecosystem. I can definitely see your point, but the fact is, if we take for example the plastic in the ocean scenario, i find it hard to believe that anyone could be deluded enough to believe that this is the result of anything but careless disposal.

But despite all that, thanks for taking such an interest in my work.

Short and sweet

basic message, strong imagery: earth and time
great job :)

Please Recycle!!

The idea is clear and good. I think there should be a lot more flashes like these that encourge recycling! But beside that, tha animation was great, the music was fantastic and the message was the best!

beautiful :]

love the animation
love the music
love how it all gos together
but most of all, i love the message its sending

Rock on man :] and thx for this, its terrible how many people contribute to the death of this magnificant world and the creatures in it -.-

Tom-Arto responds:


I'm so glad people are feeling this message.

Its just not getting said enough!

Very well done.

Beautiful piece, my friend.
Most of the score goes to the music, which I think fit brilliantly,
however the art direction was also fantastic.
Not to mention, you used your brief amount of time to make the point very clear.
Good work.

Credits & Info

4.30 / 5.00

Aug 26, 2009
1:01 AM EDT