I'll buy me a new ghetto bluster first. haha
Here is an itneractive look at two power players in the ongoing healthcare debate: the Moderate Democratic Senator and the Conservative Republican Congressman. See what they have to say about the debate and then respond...
I'll buy me a new ghetto bluster first. haha
"Debate" right...
Nice to see this was kept fair and completely devoid of bias.
*looks at the poorly drawn image of the conservative*
Oh... wait...
Great but...
Great bit, but last I checked the WHO rankings, Cuba ranked far ABOVE the US.
The funny factor saved this thing from a 0.
Very, very funny. I especially loved the 'special pie" part. THe cartoon does seem rather biased against Rupublicans, though.
I enjoyed this one. Both sides debating this issue have major problems. The Democrats have no balls to put the right plan on the table because they're trying to be "Bipartisan" and make compromises with the Republicans, who I assume follow an 1880's version of business and think that our employers wouldn't enjoy if they could just work us like they work their factory workers in China.