great animation...
seems that you were watching Alvin Earthworm's series of super mario bros z (which by the way is really awesome) for inspiration. Good call. Keep up the great work.
Hi Guys This is my second ever flash animation
this episode is meant to be more of a build up to a big fight as well as to explain a bit of the story also luigi discovers his inner lightning
i am aiming for a more elemental and swordplay theme to this series and i hope you enjoy this episode and future ones to come :)
great animation...
seems that you were watching Alvin Earthworm's series of super mario bros z (which by the way is really awesome) for inspiration. Good call. Keep up the great work.
the animation wasn't all that good and its kinda the same thing we've all seen before
well dude its my second flash, and i know the story and my animation skills need improvement
thanks for reviewing though
nothing special, just another wannabe
1 for the animation (effort)
none for the originality
concept done over and over and over again ever since Alvin became famous
this is only my second animation and i only used the energy beam as a good way for Mario to get hurt, i would see the fighting style of future episodes to be more elemental and swordplay styled
thanks for the review though
seems familer
its almost like Legend of Zelda Minsh Cap invincble mushroom = light force mushroom sword = picori sword. i like your flash just more action next time.
that was cool for being only your second animation had alot of text but i liked how you used alot of music from m&l
well thanks i loved the games so i made a tribute and it had a lot of text because i wanted to add a little more depth to the story and im glad you liked it