Not "gouge my eyes out" bad, but could improve
Your flash was ok, but you're still on the novice level I would say; not bad for 3rd animation though. You had a floating sprite that shouldn't have been there for parts of it, and none of it really made sense. I could tell that you had somewhat of a story in mind, but I didn't really see any of it. Maybe next time provide more of a background and plot development if you want a storyline to be in your animation, and this one seems like its pretty much all based around storyline.
Sound effects are always a plus, I did like the laugh at the beginning, but I didn't hear anything after that. The second song you had got really annoying as it went on, kinda repetitive, but I guess it did work for the "action" part.
The preloader made me think that I was stuck, and so I refreshed it a few times, lol. Maybe add a loading bar to your next one?
You also have images in the wrong place at the wrong times, like when it was supposed to be the field it went to the castle, or the floating sprite that should have just been in the credits. I'm not sure if that is because of you or something that happened during the upload, but you should watch it and try to see what I mean.
By the way, why do the soldiers flash when they move?
Overall Tips:
-Develop your storyline more and explain things, I think it could be interesting.
-Sound effects never hurt to have
-Less repetitive songs