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Tales of Moriya

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Author Comments

I know that this couldve been better, and i also didnt spend that much time on it, i wanted to know what u guys thought 1st, also, if u have anything negative to say, please keep it to yourself

:) thx and i hope u guys enjoy the movie

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Hehehe I got you...

I know what you mean by not being negative....

Telling you that you suck and that your mom is stupid because of your flash is negative.... But telling you that your flash is only a good beginning and that it needs more work, that there are no sounds except that crappy japanese song, and that though it feels beginner's work, it is really well done, is being constructive.

I get you friend and I know you want people to be critic about your work so you can be aware of the flaws and qualities of you work so you can get better material going.

Please continue to submit because I fear some talent may be lost....yet work on your flash and try to add something original.....other than fights maybe....I know they're action oriented but i guess a spellcasting sequence of sprites in videogames would be nice......as would a comparison of strentgh from diverse video game weapons from a humoristic point of viwe.....etc....I love your flash! Good work!.......Im drunk + french so please forgive my bad syntax!

Not A Bad Start For Flash Animation...

...The sprite animation was rather smooth (which seems to be an issue for people to manage when it's their first time using sprites) and the quality of the sprites were good too - a nice start to sprite animation. Of course, I felt a bit disappointed that there wasn't really much plot going for this animation - but I understand why: you said you didn't spend much time on it and so it's obvious that you were just experimenting - fair enough.

I didn't like the overused filters (the blurred filters used were terribly slow) and the audio used didn't stop when the flash looped, which leaded to a mass overlapping of music. A preloader would also have been useful as the flash's filesize is fairly large - it's a long time for people to look at a white screen, not knowing how long is left to load and is also quite a nuisance.

But as I stated earlier in the review: this was a nice start with sprite animation - if you make more animations like this, I hope they improve more so over time. You have potential - a lot of people enjoy sprite animations on Newgrounds. :)


xKAreloadedx responds:

lol it's alright thx anyway, lol now that im watching this again im lmao at how many song overlapps there were but anyway, i've gotten better so if you want check out my new vid, you might just like it


Ive seen worse, but no new concepts or ideas here. The face that it loops with nothing to stop it is an easy fix that you didnt implement. Its as simple as making a play button for this thing you call a flash animation. Too short, not even a long enough battle throughout the whole 15 or so seconds. And dont submit a movie here and then tell people not to be negative, thats not the point of reviews. They are to be honest and truthful, not to make you feel better....

xKAreloadedx responds:

okay, i understand all that you are saying, and i appreciate the truth, thank you for being honest, truth is that, i've never done this before and i wanted to try it out, i mean :(, i don't even know how to use newgrounds yet, this is my first time and i have no idea how to stop it from looping, or how to add a loading screen, some help would b much appreciated, anyway thx and ill do better next time okay

Well, OK.

The main rating is for how well you animated it, but putting in something to stop it looping would make it better.

xKAreloadedx responds:

thx, i dont know how to do that, so i was hoping that you guys could help me improve upon my mistakes, this was the intro to my series, but i guess i should've made it longer, anyway thx for commenting, and ill try to impress u guys next time :)

Credits & Info

2.95 / 5.00

Oct 17, 2009
1:42 PM EDT