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Sketch Tucker Tribute

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Sketch Tucker is a character of mine that I've had for ten years now! Many of you here may have caught a glimpse of him in an Easter Egg of "Mega Man and the Pompous Robots," but little to no one has heard of him. In deviantART, however, he and his friends are well introduced in a series of pictures under the labeling "The Utopian Legend," and has since gained a few fans. So with hesitation, I present Sketch Tucker's "Ten Year Tribute," an interactive gallery of Sketch's ever-changing life.

***NOTE! There is no sound in the presentation, so you don't need to fiddle with the volume. Else you may jump through your ceiling when a system sound chimes in at full blast, and neither of us want that to happen.***

As I mentioned, Sketch underwent a lot of changes since his origination, and this is the primary purpose of the "History Gallery." You will get to see many of his other "versions" with original pictures available to view. They also feature details and descriptions that go further in-depth. Hidden in each History Gallery page is a Hidden Fact that introduces a lesser-known aspect of Sketch's evolution.

There is also a "Bonus Gallery" that shows pictures of Sketch that other artists have made. For an odd twist, Sketch Tucker makes his own remarks about each picture, pointing out little odd details that he notices. All in good fun, though. If you like their art, their names are clickable in each page and opens up a new window with their respective deviantART galleries.

A few additions were made for the Newgrounds version. Because no one has likely heard of him, a Prologue is added to at least point out a likely sighting of him here in Newgrounds (Pompous Robots, of course). Also, a loading bar has been added at the beginning. Finally, if you wish to see the deviantART gallery I frequently use, the "Malamite Ltd." logo on the Main Menu is clickable, and will open a new window leading to the deviantART gallery.

I realize I may get some questionable remarks about this presentation or Sketch Tucker in general, and that's why I hesitated to post this here. But I'm going to try is anyway, just to see what will happen. If things aren't for the most part neutral or favorable, I'll keep my thoughts and creations to deviantART from then on. For now, though, please enjoy! I may submit more things someday.

--Malamite Ltd.

Sketch Tucker and related characters © 1999-2009 Malamite Ltd. (Laurence McKee).
All artwork is © Malamite Ltd. unless otherwise noted.

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This isn't bad by any means.

Larry McKee, I would like to say "Welcome Back." With that out of the way, I'll start with the critique. First of all, the menu is very smooth, consistent, and well animated. I think you've improved quite a bit in the flash drawing department since Mega Man and Pompous Robots. However, the various designs of Sketch over the years needed some actual shading. You should study how light works, perspective, and probably anatomy. That will make your character even better over time. A lot of people will scoff at this for not having much in animation, but the fact that it's different than what you see here makes up for that. As for the fanart, it could be improved upon quite a bit. If there is one other thing that could be improved upon is the needlessly huge filesize. Three Megabytes for something like this is ridiculous.

What I liked about this:
-Something different
-Smooth lineart
-Slick-looking menus
-Original character

What I didn't like:
-Character could have used some shading.
-The fanart isn't as good as the flash-drawn art.
-Could have used some sound effects.
-Needs optimization
-Not everyone will like the anthro-styled character.

Overall: Here's a Seven out of ten, and if you have the time; try doing some still lifes.

Malamite-Ltd responds:

Thanks for revieving it. Permit me to make a few arguments and a few other admissions.

Sure, I admit the file size could have been a bit smaller, and I could have spent a bit more time on the modern art by giving it some shading. I've never been much into shading, and the best I've done is toon shading.

And maybe I could've added some sounds. I was trying to set a goal for myself at the time; I wanted to finish the whole thing before the year ended. I've started stuff before and never finished it...I admit to trying a Flash cartoon featuring the Ice Climbers and never completing it. So finishing things is like a personal accomplishment for me.

All that aside, there's not much I can do about the fan art. I put up the best of what I got from folks; it could only get worse. Trust me...if I had gotten better art, I'd have displayed it. I'm usualy pretty easily impressed. And this was part of the reason the file size is big; they're resized raster images.

Speaking of which, I think the design of Sketch has been quite refined since his origins. And I have the sinking suspicion that you may not have seen *everything* the gallery had to offer. Did you see the other pictures featured in each page? Among the eight pages, there's 30 total to see, and that REALLY added to the filesize. This can really show that I've made improvements on his looks over the years. It's baby steps, but it's at least something. Also, I placed a "Hidden Fact" in each page that caused most of the Sketch Tucker variations to *change.*

I've never been the best at character art, and I don't put this up flaunting such a talent. It's just a self-made presentation dedicated to a favorite character of mine. I consider myself a jack-of-all-trades; I draw, write, design, compose, animate, and organize things primarily on my own, within my own limitations. It worked okay so far.

Regardless, I appreciate the mainly positive input. I never paid too much regard towards drawing still-lifes, mainly because the experience actually doing them has made me feel rather uncomfortable in the past. So I'll probably end up doing some research in other manners. I may reupload the thing with smaller raster images and a few sounds, but for now I'm just trying to regain my composure. It was hard putting all this together!

Credits & Info

3.50 / 5.00

Nov 25, 2009
10:48 PM EST