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Bill Murray Eats Sandwich

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Gentlemen, you have moved me.

This flash, nay, this masterpiece has moved me to my very core. Never before have I seen such a beautiful thing in all my days in this world. Bill Murray represents poverty and the sandwich represents mankind, the mayonnaise represents us, the poor shmucks caught in the middle. I have cried multiple times upon viewing this gift sent from above. You gentleman have truly moved my heart cockles, Bravo, good sirs! BRAVO!


I'm surprised at how many 13 yr olds can make animations. But seriously try harder.


That was not even funny. The only good things in this flash were that it contained voice and a little bit of animation, but that was not enough for a 1 i think. Next time, try making the flash better by including something funny in it (I didn't get the joke at all). Bill Murray munchin the sandwich with a Nom Nom NOm chewing noise would at least be funny enough to get you a 1 or a 2 in my book.
Better luck next time. Btw, you can PM me if you want more of my opinion.


It bothers me that I get the reference at the end just from the font and the two notes.


This was beyond horrible, the intro was a snooze fest, and if you didn't close this silly submission by the time it ended all you see is a horrible little doll. Just bad...1/10 because at least it loaded.

Credits & Info

2.05 / 5.00

Dec 9, 2009
11:14 AM EST