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MGS2 - Hanging mode

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Author Comments

This is my 1st flash i've ever made (and of course its 'bout metal gear). I hope there will be MGS collab disc 3 some day, so i could possibly send this to that. if someone hears about collab disc 3... let me know :)

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this was just a good thing!!!

Good awesome stuff nice work

that was...

pretty damn awesome. You gave me my first lol of the day. Well. done.


Nice joke with hanging mode def some good animation and everything seemed perfect cant wait to see more, hopefully more MGS and longer would be great to see in future.

5/5 excellent work
8/10 great but hopefully something longer in future.

Not bad, in fact its cool'n funny ^^

Wow, that was a good one for the first try ^^
Hmm, okay there wasn't that much of animation, but the looks were allright and the joke really got me. :D
Never thought something like that of the hanging mode.
But yeah continue your good work, really nice start
7/10 & 4/5

Credits & Info

4.30 / 5.00

Dec 18, 2009
4:30 AM EST