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video games are BAD

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Author Comments

Hey, this is my first time animating anything so I hope you enjoy it! sorry the sound is so quiet. Im looking into getting a new mic. Id be happy to hear anything you guys have to say that is helpful though. I'll do my best to reply to you guys. Oh yes! creddit to my training for this goes to user sethdd! Thanks buddy!

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but all kids should get a talk before playing games

Hoogerslof responds:

true. or at least the parents should control how much they play. I do some volunteer work as a game leader with some kids, and they have the hardest time figuring out the simplest thing such as running around the OUTSIDE of the circle! I've concluded too much screen time is just wrecking there brains!

Hard to believe this is your first animation.

All pac man made me want to do is eat Kix cereal with blueberries. :-)

I like the poster in the store, nice little touch.
Good job.

Hoogerslof responds:

lol video games have never given me a craving for cereal... THATS SO FREAKIN AWSOME!!

"Buy a Gun and Shoot up a Store, Dan

I hate the loop. It looked like it was gonna keep going. Dad sounds overly monotoned. You should make a satirical flash based on this. Just think, a generation literally raised on video games. They all become production assistants, lawyers, soldiers... and the occasional "rebel"...

Hoogerslof responds:

Yea... Im realy sorry about the loop. I just havnt learned to make a menu yet... hopfully by the next one, that one will all change! :D

woah this wuz ur first flash?????

well then i look forward too your second flash! 5/5

Hoogerslof responds:

thanks dan! not sure what the next one is gunna be but Im trying to think of a story line!


Not a 500% original theme, but seems good enough.
Keep going, nicely animated, good M.C. usage, simple but interesting graphics an so on...

Keep going, show other projects.

Hoogerslof responds:

thanks man! your a cool guy!

Credits & Info

4.71 / 5.00

Jan 14, 2010
11:20 PM EST