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Punk-o-matic 2

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Log in to save your medals! Don't have an account? Create one for free!

Inspiration 5 Points

Learn 1 cover!

Junk Keeper 5 Points

Collect 10 stage items!

New Comer 5 Points

Play a good concert at the garage!

Perfectionist I 5 Points

Play a perfect song during a concert!

Streak Novice 5 Points

Do a 100 notes streak!

Crazy Gig 10 Points

Play a sold-out concert at the concert hall!

From The Best 10 Points

Learn 5 covers!

Full Bar 10 Points

Play a sold-out concert at the bar!

Junk Amateur 10 Points

Collect 25 stage items!

Local Punker 10 Points

Play a good concert at the bar!

Perfectionist II 10 Points

Play 2 perfect songs during a concert!

Popular 10 Points

Play a sold-out concert at the garage!

Rising Star 10 Points

Play a good concert at the theater!

Serious Player 10 Points

Play a good concert at the concert hall!

Streak Apprentice 10 Points

Do a 250 notes streak!

Grand Night 25 Points

Play a sold-out concert at the theater!

Homage 25 Points

Learn 15 covers!

Junk Hunter 25 Points

Collect 50 stage items!

Perfectionist III 25 Points

Play 3 perfect songs during a concert!

Rocking The World 25 Points

Play a sold-out concert at the stadium!

Shining Star 25 Points

Play a good concert at the stadium!

Streak Master 25 Points

Do a 500 notes streak!

Cover Band 50 Points

Learn 30 covers!

Junk Collector 50 Points

Collect 100 stage items!

Punk Legend 50 Points

Play a good concert at the park!

Writing History 50 Points

Play a sold-out concert at the park!

Author Comments

Hello everyone! Here's a massive submission for you!!! I worked very long and hard on this with a bunch of people! I really hope you enjoy Punk-o-matic 2! Create songs, share them, make a band, do concerts & more! Connect with other people on here and on the official website.

Official website: punk-o-matic.net

Official facebook: http://www.facebook.com/PunkoMatic

Official youtube: http://www.youtube.com/user/OfficialPunkoMatic

LAG: If you're having lag problems, lower the quality in the options, reduce the animation level and disable the concert lights. You can also download the game at www.punk-o-matic.net and that should help a lot.

Make sure you check out the Tips in-game and on the Official Website to help you make some awesome songs.

Punk-o-matic Pro is in development. For more information, check out this link:


The mobile version of Punkomatic 1 will also be available soon.

Log in / sign up to vote & review!

Amazing game.


i am probably this games youngest player, lawl, anyway i made an account to share this song i made
(Victory Day)dd-ade-abp-gbp-fcOav-gav-gav-gav-gcV-cbp-gbp-gbp-gbp-gaE-gaE-gav-gav-gav-gav-gcO-ccO-ccO-ccO-bdrae-gae-gcb-gcb-gae-gag-gcV-Z-Z-Z-Z-E,-kcvcx-fcvoz-coA-coz-coA-chE-chE-coB-coB-coz-coA-coG-coF-coG-coF-coG-coB-coB-ccz-kpm-coz-coA-coz-coA-chE-chE-coB-coB-coB-coB-chE-chE-zcvcx-fcvoz-coA-coz-coA-bcv-Z-Z-Z-Z-F,-dhd-fbHhd-fbHhd-chd-bbHhd-chf-bbHhf-chf-bbHhf-chf-bbH!!-chd-ghd-ghd-ghd-chd-chd-chd-bbHhd-chd-bbHhd-chd-bbHhd-chd-bbHhf-chf-bbHhf-chf-bbHhf-bbHhf-bbHhf-bbHhf-bbHhf-bbHhf-bbHhf-bbHhf-chd-fbHhd-fbHhd-ghd-fbH-Z-Z-Z-Z-F,-dhC-ghC-ghz-ghz-ghE-chE-chE-chE-cou-cou-cou-cou-cou-coy-cou-coy-coy-cou-cou-cou-cou-chC-ghC-ghE-chE-coB-coB-coB-coB-coB-coB-chE-chE-chE-chE-chC-ghC-ghC-ghC-Z-Z-Z-Z-M

I just started playing this game and its awesome! This is my first song (Road Trip)-pat-gat-gat-gaA-gaA-gbT-gat-gat-gat-gah-ccz-caa-gaa-gaa-gaa-gaa-gaa-gaa-gab-ccz-cdf-tcA-aaA-gaA-gbT-gdf-Z-Z-Z-Z-x,fP-gfP-gfP-gfP-gfP-gmg-cmf-cgc-cgd-cfT-gfP-gfP-gfP-gms-cmr-cmA-cmx-cms-cmu-cmw-cmy-sox-coz-coE-coG-coJ-coI-xpo-amg-cmf-cgc-cgd-cfT-gan-Z-Z-Z-Z-x,-pbn-abA-abN-cbn-abA-abN-cfw-cfz-cfs-gfs-ehu-abC-cbP-adf-afu-gfq-gfu-gfE-gft-gft-gft-gft-gft-ehD-ahc-ghc-ghg-chu-zfs-gfs-ehu-abC-cbP-adf-aaj-Z-Z-Z-Z-x,-liM-cbR-ack-acD-cbR-ack-acD-cfV-cfY-cfR-gfR-gco-ccH-ahZ-afT-gmi-gfT-ggd-cmq-cfS-gfS-gfS-gfS-gfS-epm-ahB-ghB-ghF-cpm-cdE-cjndE-cdAdBdX-cjCdX-cdTdU-afR-gfR-gco-ccH-ahZ-aid-Z-Z-Z-Z-x

Cool game the only thing i would add is an option for female characters also, heres a song i made (For a lack of a name)-bcfcfcfao-pcB-aai-bai-cai-cai-cai-ecB-aai-cai-cai-cai-cai-cai-cai-cdm-bcB-aai-bai-cai-cai-cai-a!!bM-Z-gdf-adt-Z-Z-Z-Z-Z-s,eL-gex-aeu-aex-aex-aeu-aex-gpmeb-aee-aeb-aeb-aee-aeb-bekpp-cfo-cfp-cfo-cfp-cfo-cfp-cfo-cfp-cpo-dpmeb-aee-aeb-aee-aeb-aee-bekprcG-cfR-gfV-cfR-gfV-cgb-cfV-cgb-ccP-acP-acL-gem-cpn-Z-Z-Z-Z-Z-y,dm-gdb-ada-adb-adb-ada-adb-ghucN-acO-acN-acN-acO-acN-chu-ceg-cef-ceg-cef-ceg-cef-ceg-cef-chu-dhucO-acN-acO-acN-acO-acN-chzbR-QbS-khv-Z-Z-Z-Z-Z-y,eL-lie-aie-aifjx-cjy-cpm!!-ajN-cjY-cjN-cpp-cji-cjh-cji-cjh-cji-cjh-cji-cjh-cpmjy-cpm!!-ajY-cjN-cjY-cprmk-cmq-cmr-cmv-cms-cmx-cmD-cmt-cmD-cmg-cpr-cmw-cmf-gpn-Z-Z-Z-Z-Z-y

I played this back in 2018. I loved it! This game may be old, but it is awesome! A true mark in Newgrounds.

I always loved talking about the characters and the funny clips that come with them. My parents thought this game was hilarious. It was fun too. Awesome stuff.

Credits & Info

4.72 / 5.00

Jan 20, 2010
12:28 AM EST
  • Frontpaged January 27, 2010
  • Daily Feature January 21, 2010
  • Weekly 3rd Place January 27, 2010
  • Monthly 2nd Place January 2010