Cut Outs
Nice job recreating the cast, but -1 for the title text moving to fast (anger)
Goodies at the end.
**EDIT Now on youTube at:
but I can't imagine why anyone would want to watch a Flash on a video site. Feel me?
Cut Outs
Nice job recreating the cast, but -1 for the title text moving to fast (anger)
just saw the ending
your ending would of been better than the one they put on tv. jesus christ what the fuck happened.
Thank you, and I was fairly unhappy about how they wrapped Lost up.
Tells it like it is.
Thank you....I cannot stand the idiocy of continually throwing new "mysteries" at us, which are really nothing more than the writers flying by the seat of their damn pants and writing jibberish that will eventually somehow link matter how ridiculous it is! Well done, keep up the good work!
that seems about right
People will be so pissed if that happen, but sadly that ending is very believable.
Nice job.