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Naruto Stick Fight

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Hey guys, this animation was made way back when I was 12 years old. Since I made it before I made a newgrounds account, I never got around to submitting. Now, since I haven't really submitted something in a while, I'll submit it.
It might not be the best, but I'll submit it anyway, just for the fun of it :D

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how to make a video


It was good. But it needed sound. Nice movement though! Love to see more

SteelSly responds:

yeah i completely agree about the sound :P

not bad for a stick fight

first it needs so audio, and you need to make the video so that it plays after the play button is hit. i don't like it when i have to do extra work to watch a video. it was nice that it had a naruto theme and all, but aside from the background, which was taken directly from a game (lame you should make your own), and the hand signs i saw little making this video have anything to do with naruto. to be honest this has more to do with DBZ then naruto. while this may good for a new submission i would like to see something other than a stick fight. i mean everyone does them, try doing something original that makes a person stand up and take notice of yourself. do something that others have not, be original. also make sure that you change the background from time to time. a stagnant background is just lame and makes motion of the stick characters look bad. i mean when the characters are moving off the screen, you could follow them and have a slightly different background to make the submission and fight to seem more authentic. the way it is now it looks like the fight happened in front of a green-screen and that putting in the background was an after thought. not bad for a for like a first submission, but you already did sprite animation. in my mind your almost digressing in the norm order of how a new submitter should do things. you should start off by doing stick fights, yeah they're lame but good to start off, then move to sprite animation, not the other way around. this makes it feel like you don't really care about the quality of your work and your just posting things to post them, which may or may not be true, i don't know, because i don't know you. now i know that if you even take the time to respond to this that you'll prolly try to save face by saying something cleaver to reflect the things i have mentioned back at me, but i am honestly trying to help you to make a better flash so please don't. i honestly feel like if you were to fix some of the problems that i mention that you could produce better flashes. i am in no way just trolling or trying to be mean. i wish you much luck in the future and look forward to seeing more work from you.

good luck,

SteelSly responds:

pretty long review

don't worry, i'm not gonna say anything clever
and i think you're completely right about everything
but like what you said, I only really posted it cause I wanted to post it. I wasn't trying to get any credit for it or anything like that. I just kinda wanted to see what I would get on these animations that I did a long time ago and see how I have improved over the years.
But right now, I'm working on a different animation, that has a story and isn't just completely fighting. I think its something that could really improve my skills as a flash developer.
anyway, i think this was a very useful review, you had a lot of useful information in it and it wasn't at all that offensive. Keep reviewing like this ;) it's pretty helpful.


lacking a bit..

a great soundtrack would've made a difference..

SteelSly responds:

I agree XD


Naruto got downed!!...awww mann...xD

SteelSly responds:

yeeeee :P

Credits & Info

4.25 / 5.00

Apr 2, 2010
9:28 PM EDT