Long, Boring, needs alot of work.
This is pretty much just a school project but i uploaded it for fun :D and it fits perfectly with the celebration of the month, PACMANS 30TH BIRTHDAY
Alright so... I'm making a new version of this, which is shorter, and more to the point, seeing as its obvious that people don't like how long and boring the start is.
Long, Boring, needs alot of work.
was okay
funny concept, the flash was very average though but atleast your making them right! keep it up :) to add sound just go file>import>import to library, grap it from your libray and put it on the stage the layer can be one with animation or one you have specificly made for sound, you can move it to wherever you want inside the layer, hope to see improvement mate good luck :D
You don't think much of the Marines, do you? Needs sound!
lol sorry, it was a school project and i was told to add more constantly so what better than having marines fight pacman, and i dont know how to add sound :D
it's really nothing
it's just a green stick runing theirs no action there plus it's a loop 5 out of 10 cuz you tried :|
erm i get the feeling u didnt watch the whole thing, its not just a green stick running around...watch the whole thing first?
not bad, its not bad at all(but not the best)