Cute little Fulp pet game of sorts. I would complain about the low quality images, but I think that was the theme you were going for, and it has a sort of charm because of it. Rather short, but it has a funny ending, so you got that going for it.
Here's a little "game" I made. Only took me a few hours, but I like the way it turned out. When the game looks like it's ended it has ended (no replay button) for reasons you'll see in the game. Sorry about using Times New Roman as font... Had a really cool pixelated one, but it wouldn't export. Oh, and the background song is arranged - not composed, by me!
Anyway, enjoy!
Cute little Fulp pet game of sorts. I would complain about the low quality images, but I think that was the theme you were going for, and it has a sort of charm because of it. Rather short, but it has a funny ending, so you got that going for it.
now this is a damn good video game
Don't overreact!
Hey man, it's just a picture of a nude girl, and is really pixelated... (you can't see any "private parts")
It's really funny!
what the hell is wrong with you!!!!!! NAKED GIRL CUSS WORDS, FUCK YOU!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
ps.OMFGUSOAB means oh my god you fucking useless son of a bitch!!!!!! please get this blammed!!!!!!!!
sucks like Ducks
ducks dont actually suck but this does!
You said apropriate for all but the F-word is in it! UNCOOL