you should make tjis into a game.
My first serious(ish) animation. No nonsense in this one, no sir.
Inspired by a variety of things, mainly the last two weeks of my life, and the songs Strange & Beautiful by Aqualung and She Will Be Loved by Maroon 5.
Very nearly entirely frame-by-frame. The only tween in the whole thing is the fade-out at the very end.
IF YOU THINK IT'S LOOPING, it's not. It's just a bit of repetition for the sake of storytelling. :)
edit: OMG, DAILY FIFTH PLACE. Wow. I love you, Newgrounds. :')
edit: FEATURED?! Seriously!? This is amazing. :3
you should make tjis into a game.
That really is beautiful
That's really very well done. Congratulations for the feature.
This was a great animation, @ paradigmvulpes we all here respect your point of view, i want you to draw a square on a piece of paper, color it blue, this is the main thing in the picture, now l want you to color the whole paper in blue and see if what you really want to show still stands out as much... This is effectively what you are saying to ouf-ouf... Please, think before you say stuff...
great animation great drawing great setting GREAT EVERYTHING!!!
and it really touched me...xD
never tought ita b dis good