I agree with demonchild, I barely understood a word said
A rapid fire 60 second look at the under reported news of moves to censor the web asking whose the bigger threat to web freedom: Bieber or Lieberman.
I agree with demonchild, I barely understood a word said
I didt her a thing that guy said
were all going to die!
if you don't get this it's saying obama has the right to invade your privisy and shut down your internet when ever he wants. i don't know about you but thats pridy scary to me haveing an ideot like obama that much pawer. he alredy the damn president don't give him the pawer to take out are poren.
Can you repeat that please?
Sorry, I can't understand your accent.
Nice vid, kinda random though.
Ste :)
... I'm sorry, what? Haha!