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Prepare yourself lol happy clockday 2010!

Vote 5! ^^

Note: I might do something with this "next summer" (i.e. next Clockday).

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I don't know why, but I kind of thought that cute with you using the trailer. It does still lack the things that are in a high quality flash. You should try to always remember to put a background in, although this was kind of funny in its own right. I seriously wished I knew what the trailer was for, and it told me! I could have sworn I heard the "Requiem For A Dream" music at first. I think this is the first time I ever saw the "B" colored blue.

I hope that in the next one, you have a lot of action or a Smurfs parody. Maybe you could see the Smurfs movie and be inspired. I might see it myself, if it gets good acclaim or box office response. Wait, this is 2011 right now and it's going to come out this summer! BTW, you can click the dot in the question mark to replay the flash.

(title in work)

That was a strange one for sure. Where was the sound clip from? I thought it sounded like Duke Nukem a bit. Maybe I just didn't get some pop-culture reference, but it was kind of shoddy in terms of the storyline and humor, but I still love ya!


I love this epic Clock Day submission. You are a very talented voice actor and have a very deep manly voice, which really sells the movie.

I love the fast pace camera angles, which must have took days to code. More importantly I love the plot of this move. A smurf movie along would be bland and boring, but with the almighty B it really give substance and drama that all movies should have.

Nice work and Strawberry Clock is the King of the Portal! :)

Auz responds:

Lol, yeah I got a great voice and all, but for this flash I just thought I'd rip the sound from the official Smurfs movie trailer XD

And no, the camera did not took 'days to code'. It's actually just a silly motion tween with the B and not the camera who's moving. Haggard thought it was the camera as well, so heh, I guess that worked out well.

I might do something with this "next summer". Thanks for the review!

What the hell does that mean?!

I demand a translator!

Also, could you please expand upon this B getting smurfed? Are we expecting StrawberryClock to do something like Avatar, where he pilots a lock, but obviously wouldn't become one, since he could never truly separate himself from being a Clock.

Or could he?

Still, that aside, you've built it up really well and then given a nice twist to the piece, so congratulations, I guess.

[Review Request Club]

Auz responds:

That's actually a pretty good idea for a flash, but no. It says 'next summer', so I might actually do something with this next clockday. If I don't forget about it that is.

Thanks for the review Coop.


Nice one Auz. If only all Clock Day movies could be this good, the world would be a better place. It has depth, it has character, it has Smurfs. Could'nt ask for more. Cheers GJ.

Auz responds:

I thought so :p

Thanks for the review!

Credits & Info

3.33 / 5.00

Aug 15, 2010
3:04 AM EDT