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Pyroscape The Collab

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First of all sorry for my horrible english u.u

Yay first time i submit a pyroscape thing and not just beeing co authored :P

Well for those who doesnt know i am the programmer of pyroscape series and we decided to make a collab some weeks ago.

I think we couldnt get enough games as we wanted but well something is something.

Here you got the topic of the collab:


And now the winner of the collab (administrators doesnt count) are:

First Place: Pyrofighter - Epicskull

Second Place: Pyroscape Room - ThePigeonMaster

Third Place: Save the city - Ugolegend94

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._. I'm just gonna get this off my chest; wow. Interpret that how you want.


Nice job being #1 homie! dude, you won a dollar :D nice

Not bad

Not too bad! The quiz and Save the City were my favorites.

A couple of bugs:

1) In the Pyroscape Quiz, none of the answers for Question #15 are selectable, so there's no way of getting past that point.

2) In the Pyromon game, if you quit and head back to the collab menu, the Pyromon battle music will keep playing on top of whatever other music.


catch me if you can - 9/10
awesome game and the mochi leaderboards give it some replay value competitivness is key to a games succes and it was fairly entertaining

pyrofighter - 9/10
nifty little game its fun for a while id like to see more of this :P and i like the loser ending "bitch get back in the kitchen" so congrads on firstplace

the quiz - 7/10
it was mildly entertaining i like how its really unusual things that you probably wouldent have noticed in pyroscape so it gives people the incentive to go back to the pyroscape games and look for the answers to the questions

pyromon - 7/10
it was a fixed battle so i was a bit disapointed if it was stratergy based i would have had a bit more fun but still it looked nice

save the city - 9/10
it was a decent little game

terminal hacker - 8/10
1000101001110100010010011101001011101 0100101010010101011010100010110101001 0101010100100101010101111010000010110 1101010101010101000110111110101010010

pyroscape room - 8/10
nice it was fun :p

last and definately least firestomp - 1/10
it sucked bad sorry for submitting it guys but i couldent get the good one into a movie clip :'(

I agree with dmonkoff

The games are good, but the thing is there just isn't much to them. It goes to show that the Pyroscape series really wouldn't be any good if it wasn't for the funny videos in between.

I did a quick play through of all the games and I do agree with the winners. I haven't finished ThePigeonMaster's game quite yet because I didn't have time then and I don't have time now, but it looks very promising. Seems that the timer didn't work right though for some reason?

Ugolegend94 did a couple of good small things. I almost think you should have included his second game that he made even though it was very small and really didn't have much of a point.

The fire stomp game wasn't too exciting as it didn't actually do anything. I didn't have the time or the patience to stomp out all of the fire so maybe something happened when you did. I don't know.

The quiz was made by me so I'm not going to comment about it. :P I'm telling you the running game would be much better if you actually had the background move like it would happen in real life. It just looks like he's running in place and it's silly looking. :P

Decent collab and everything. I think in the future we should just stick to the series. On to completing number three!

Credits & Info

3.47 / 5.00

Sep 10, 2010
12:18 PM EDT
  • Flash
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