Too Early
Now, I see if an artist wants to make something and has no patience to finish it, then he/she will get in to such things as you, early announces, little previews, but it's only worth to do if you are in controll of what you are doing. And that means you know what to do, and you know what will be there as outcome. I'm trying to say that if you are making a preview, then it should hype up people, and you shouldk now ho to do that, you should know when to do, but most importantly, you should know why to do, and this last part is important, because if you are not confident enough, it will be seen in your thing what you did. Now here's an interesting, dencent start in your movie, nice music, fitting art, concept looking thought out, then it's like a chopped of, little part of the big meat, and a lousy excuse that you will finish this sometimes.
If you doing a preview, don't start it with an excuse.
I give you 5 and you better do something epic. Cause with excuses like "oh I'll finish this, hehe" predictions are not convincing.