Technially, the game works. Mostly. A couple of points on functionality.
1. The mute button doesn't last. It has to be re-muted every time you change screens. Even within the same leve.
2. Why not just push the button for the hints, why type in hint?
3. It really should have a way to back out to the menu.
And a note on gameplay. Honestly, your puzzles kind of suck.
1. 2+2= is not a puzzle without context, and could be looked at in many lights, including that it could be some kind of matchstick puzzle (it was afterall arranged in a grid).
2.All of those same qualities apply to a horse, and I have never heard of 'donkey' being an insult or a TV show.
3. I have tried after image, afterimage, negative, negative image, negative afterimage, gestalt, retinal afterimage, inverse, burn, illusion, optical illusion, after effect, aftereffect, retinal burn, and shadow. None of which work and all of which apply to the 'phenomenon' associated with the puzzle. And this is on easy mode?
As I did not make it past puzzle 3 I can only comment on what I have seen. Your answers are ambiguous, and your hints are of little to no use ambiguous and even insulting. Some of them are blatantly useless. As you have a variety of puzzles, especially in the easy mode, context should be provided. On that note, there is no difference in the puzzles on any of the modes.
Ranking this game on functionality alone I would give it a 5. Ranking it on gameplay quality I would give it a 1 or a 0 depending on my mood. Graphics quality 8. Overall I am going to say the overwhelming factor in my scoring is the gameplay quality, to which I give you a 3/10 and 2/5.