It's programmed well, for the most part at least, and it can be quite difficult. The more difficult the gets, the more fun it gets. It's not really a boring game, although it has things that it could defiantly improve upon.
The space ship becomes nearly impossible to completely stop once you've moved even just a little. It's way too quiet and boring and everything is in what I believe is Spanish. The background doesn't move at all and it seems like it should, and it's very colorless.
It was really annoying that after you were hit by an asteroid you had to wait several seconds until you can fire once again. Due to the fact that after once you hit an arrow key you start sliding and it's really hard to come to a complete stop, a lot of the times when I could fire once again I was about to crash into an asteroid.
How too improve:
I recommend you translate everything into English as Newgrounds is an English website and you used English in the description, if you're going to make the game in another language other than English, why don't you use said language in the description? Although I won't count off for this, I personally recommend that you do it.
You should probably decrease the time it takes to be able to fire once again after hitting an asteroid, because as I mentioned before, a lot of the times when I recovered from this I was crashing into another asteroid and it was a very major annoyance.
I think it would look better if you made the asteroids solid instead of transparent as it's a bit unrealistic that you can see through them. You could add upbeat music and perhaps sound effects, because that would make it a lot less boring and quiet.
In my opinion, you should also make the background move. There's a tutorial here on Newgrounds that teaches you how to make a simple moving space background, you can PM if you want the link to it.
Graphics: -2
Sound: -3
Programming: +3
Fun: +2