This is defiantly an improvement upon the last one. It's nice to see that you've added more obstacles, and everything seems to come out at a more rapid rate, which defiantly adds a lot more fun to the game. It's also great to see that you've fixed the score problem, which was a very major con in the last game. Again, I love the sound effects you've used in this and I love the graphics.
This still has the problem of the exploding animations sticking to the screen. That's a very major annoyance in my opinion and I think you should do your best to remove it. Although I'll give you this, at least you seem to have removed it from doing so for the Meteorite's.
This also still seems allow you to go into the center of the screen, just shoot rapidly, and never dying. This defiantly needs to be fixed as it takes a lot of the fun out of the game. Remember, the more challenging a game is, the more fun it is. Although, of course, if it's to challenging it's just annoying.
This also still has the annoying shooting sound effect that sounds like somebody knocking on a door. That's very very unrealistic in my opinion, and I still think you should make it sound more realistic.
I personally don't like the background. It's very low quality and it appears that there is water at the bottom. I think if you made it more simple, with just a black background and little white dots floating around, it would look a lot better than basically anything else.