Not a fan of these type of games but it's well done and love the message behind it
Click to start, move the mouse to play.
Inspired by this image by ReClark Gable:
Not a fan of these type of games but it's well done and love the message behind it
The symbolism is real.
Solid Idea
However, as others have pointed out it is far too long to maintain interest. That kinda undermines the idea as well (well if it takes this long to damage my lungs why not?). Things to add could be some more speed, powerups (i.e. damaging larger sections of it) and little extras such as a corrupting effect where it stards turing black.
Keep up the good work.
pretty good
i like it and it alright and can kinda scare people a little and they can think wow im destroying the lung like and they might try to stop and its kinda fun so keep up the good work.
Good message but it was WAYYY to long to do. I just quite.