This was pretty cool, and I wasn't even baked yet. While most of the interaction is created by you as the player, it would have been nice to see more options to change up the tumult.
And I agree, math IS beautiful
Math is beautiful.
Tumult is art that evolves and comes to life at your control. It's an instrument to play music for eyes. Discover chords, put on a show, explore and experiment with different types and sequences of clicks to internalize how it works. With a little practice, you'll have a surprising amount of control over the chaotic light as it dances.
Try distant clicking, quick drags, rolling the drag slightly horizontally or vertically, alternating click locations... Its sensitivity is the source of its power and flexibility.
This was pretty cool, and I wasn't even baked yet. While most of the interaction is created by you as the player, it would have been nice to see more options to change up the tumult.
And I agree, math IS beautiful
This is soooo GREAT to look at, when you're high.......
I like this very much=D good work
Did the doughnut
....awesome program this.
Just for kicks, here's a screenshot my doughnut:
Is this in any way related to the iPad app?
Just spectacular.
Thank you!