This is kinda average, ain't it?
Well, it's not awful. You have that much going for you.
It's a decent avoider as far as highscores avoiding goes anyway. The lack of music is fine for this game because it's so short. I feel as if what few sound effects are in the game are enough. There is good animation going on with obstacles. The obstacles are easy to see and the game area isn't so big that it's hard to keep track of them. Also, there is a good mix of different speeds in the obstacles to push difficulty. Sometimes it's okay to not have a difficulty setting and this time is one of them.
The worst feature of this game is that play is very limited. You can start off easily enough, but as time passes eventually everyone meets roughly the same end score. It would, for example, be as if the game ended after you collected 30 coins or so. See what I'm sayin'?
To prevent this, I'd suggest as little as one power-up per se to decrease the number of obstacles. This would increase game play and the line between high and low scores.
Overall, okay but not better than okay.