what do i need to do on the math game
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Made with the games factory 2.
Every level contains at least one easter egg.
Controls will be briefly explained before every level.
Made for people who enjoy the internet. full of memes and nods to newground characters.
Please excuse the 13.1mb size just give it a second and it should load;--- ironic isnt it?
Now with Newgrounds Medals.
what do i need to do on the math game
Fun game, I enjoyed picking out the secrets. I can't seem to climb the wall for the Mario easter egg. Any hints on how to go about it - I get stuck part way up.
Hold e and i on the space level for "Lickey Lickey." Hold left and jump sporadically on the mario level for "Y Halo Thar." Hold i and press the play button on the qwerty level for "QWERTY." The others were easy enough to find that I don't remember them.
i lovez it :P
wat do ai haz 2 do att da meth gaem