stuiped pice of crap
Everyone plz calm down i ve just started animating and things are really looking hard for me !! But ill do my best.. Because of so many feedback i'll post a new and edited version of the last video.
Thanks to all the positive feedbacks.
I ll do my best to bring the series to you as soon as possible
stuiped pice of crap
Read it.
Man, this is a good start, to whatever you're starting on. Work out the kinks, aka the little glitchy lines connected to the Goku character you're working on, get the sound working, and sharpen up the background. Don't let the 2 discourage you, just work on filling the gaps.
Not much of a teaser. Show us something cool dude. This could use some work as far as the technical difficulties go.
really protected
It looks like it has potential, but I have to vote it low since it clearly isn't ready yet. Theres an after-effect thing when he moves too.