This game is absolutely amazing. Top notch.
The Adventures of Dear Explorer is our latest game. Our goal was to create a retro adventure and try new things and we hope you enjoy it playing as much as we enjoyed making it.
This game is absolutely amazing. Top notch.
Not too shabby.
I only gave it a 9 out of 10 because I didn't like having to shoot in a a straight line. It is nice to go back to old school games, but you gotta go new school with shooting techniques. I didn't play it too long, but played it long enough to know it deserves a 9 star, a lot of effort was put into this, that is obvious. Good job, keep up the good work.
good, also RogueDragonknight click H
to the dude below me, if you had clicked H it shows ALL they keys..dam what a noob
anyway, great oldschool gamne quite adictive, i recomend everyone to ignore the 5 year old that reviewed before me and play the game :)
RogueDragonKnight can't read simple instructions..
It plays easily, and the only thing it really lacks is a option to load game and replay levels you've been to.
Wicked game
I really like this game, nice and simple, teaches you as you go along. Not really sure what RogueDragonKinght means by not being able to shoot, use E as it states in the help menu (use H to see this). Good graphics as well, WELL DONE!!