Oh, I did remember.
Improvements have been made over your last game. This adds a little twist to the "catch falling objects" genre, in the sense that some parts of your object, I'll just call it a ship, are NOT supposed to catch objects. Still a very basic flash other than that. Move left/right and destroy bombs. However, you're getting there now. You're getting this much closer to escaping from the basics, and once you do, the sky is the limit.
Your last game was all like this, click stuff, get points, miss stuff, lose points.
This one is like, move left/right ctach/avoid stuff, you have lives rather than losing points,
Your last game had no background or animated objects and a boring menu.
This game has a background, a nice retro feel, and animated objects and a nice-looking menu.
The improvements are there. It's going slow but steady. Eventually you'll get there.
What I'm trying to say is, don't give up and EVENTUALLY you'll get there.
I know you can't modify your game, but here's some tips anyway.
Different types of stuff, like powerups that drop from the top could be added. For example:
Reverse Powerup: Your head catches mines and the arrows lose you lives. You will change color to a negative pallette.
Speed PikeTech Powerup: Your PikeTech's acceleration will increase perodically.This could change the color to a bluish pallete.
Slow Mines Powerup: The mines will slow down periodically. The mine's colors will all change to a greenish pallete.
Invincible PikeTech Powerup: Every part of your ship will break mines. Your color could change to a golden pallette.
Those are just ideas. Powerups always make a game more addictive, they add a little difference to the game.
Overall, you get a 3/5 this time.
Keep goin' ,