I see so much potential in this game! Where are the upgrades, bonuses, things to collect, things to hit, things to avoid, achievments etc. etc. I don't even know where to start.
This could be such a great "tossing" game where you could lose hourse playing it. Instead, you decided not to develop it any further and so it stayed average. There is a ton of stuff you could add to make the gameplay more exciting and addicting, e.g. some PowerUp that, when you hit with the ball, gives the ball rocket speed and the power to smash through everything for a short distance. Buyable upgrades (more shooting power, ball strength to smash objects etc.) would be really great. Give the game a goal, a checkpoint every here and there. This is how an addicting game with a high replay value is done.
The way you did it is.. somehow not that entertaining. Too much wasted potential in my eyes.