Very classic
I had been always a huge fan of Madness series so I thought we could give some love for this special day. So here is it, my entry for the contest. This is also my first Madness movie ever.
Now, a brief introduction to Madness... Krinkels, author of this series, submitted a movie entitled "Marsh-Mellow-Madnes s" nine years ago which was pretty humorous. It has the first appearance of the characters but did not start becoming popular until Combat Series were released. Madness has indeed changed since it's first quickie, you all know what I mean ;)
The Magician attempts to have that classic comedy style Madness originally has in the very firsts ones. We hope everyone will enjoy the movie as much as we have making it
Happy Madness Day 2011!
Presented by JOYCOT Team.
Very classic
Wonderful memories, can't get enough of that.
my first time watching this type of animation and I must say I loved it, I will definitely watch it many, many times
Dam hank needs to stop killing my customers *casually puts 10000000-dollar bounty on hank on wall
I feel bad for whoever has to clean that glorious mess up.