I give this submission a 2 for "nothing too new or interesting" because, well, u know.
Okay, over the past 2 weeks, I've decided to take this game, and bring it to a more presentable form.
With the exception of the instructions screen and the Warcraft 2 music, all the art and sound is produced by me from scratch(not that it's really that impressive anyway)
I appreciate any feedback that you have to offer, and not just saying that to sound nice, Please, give me feedback. It's the reason why I'm posting this in this stage.
Expect future updates to come out Every week or so as I design more levels, more enemies, and fix more bugs.
Left/Right or A/D: moves your tank left and right
UP or W: use thrusters to move tank up. Consumes fuel
Mouse: aim gun
Left Click: Shoot bullets
Space Bar: Switch weapons
ESC: pause game.
The music is the intro music from Warcraft 2
I give this submission a 2 for "nothing too new or interesting" because, well, u know.
Yeah, I know, you're giving my game a mediocre review because I gave your mediocre flash submission the mediocre review it deserved
Great Game
Great Game, thanks for sharing!
i ran out of bullets !!!
nice controls, the scrolling works very well ! - i ran out of bullets so couldn't shoot any more which kinda finished it for me ! - the scrolling relative to player positioning works v well !!
This game is terrible, I don't know how it was rated "good". Try using actual graphics instead of some crap outlined graphics. It look like you stole them from google images.