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S.O.P.A. got fingered

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Author Comments

::UPDATE:: Thanks for the FRONTPAGE!!!!!!!!!!!!!

::UPDATE:: Thanks for the DAILY FIRST PLACE!!!!!!!!!!!!!

::UPDATE:: Thanks for the FIRST PLACE GAME OF THE WEEK!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Secretly in the making for over 5 years Freddy Got Fingered the GAME will leave you breathless!

I am an avid believer that you should go to great lengths to protect intellectual property's, but S.O.P.A. is like giving yourself cancer to cure a cold. I would hate to loose (what sometimes feels like) the last bastion of freedom in this world. If you have the strength, please stand up for our rights!


M.B. DeathInk


P.M. me with a link to an image with SOPA completely removed from this game and I will add you to the list below.

PEOPLE WHO HAVE PWND S.O.P.A.-----------------

DeathInk, FulpBot, TomFulp, Lochi, Austerity, BannedMadness dbzmf2, Tomato Soup, JoaoGabriel, I-smel, Pop-Tart, NEWGROUNDS, GOOGLE, Matt-Porter,Gorksonic234, WhiteGear, slayerChic, eehhzz, dotsy, tchtimmy480, DrOfDoom,OrcaSnack-Garth, poricoco, Mafurios, smileylife, ragnor70, randomdude227, FlashfireEX, cjfidler, Cienfuegos2, 6th-sage, webufs, mickers13, Dimitrilium, BurdiK, majjikelkitty, exammaster, kokonut10, icyfury13, BrokenIdeasCompany, Irbis, Suikodude, WingoWinston, mk2soldier, DarkKingBernard, FurryFox, RickyTheFish, TheMonkkey, TravisBeane, Merodiego, RatherRandom, Yatsufusa, catluvr2, Masterflood, Siamorain, DarkMugen0, afelias, 23i, XxBloodyAssassinxX, ShadowGamer2, GabrielSlayer95, Voveve, MidHoovy SandvichLover, AsianStep, Ni3ls, Guiilherme, N0rdW1nd, KSIAssassinPR, TriForce12, Gokule00, springfire4, tehKLN, FireFromHell, cdsolidsnake, Big-Nothing, Pelemus-McSoy, A-Cow-With-OCD, gta-sa, Shotgun65, Alvsyn, jecjoker, 159rules, Shadowgrind, notahero, Slayer336, tonypar16, Elurstac, Bobbybroccoli, Yoh-Asakura, InsaneBoredGuy, rockerkid58, RacmusDK, LAVAGASM, EllieWorm, FlearyStyle, vicoria91, Krutches, RoMeJo, ectsoman, takethatsubspace, MetalSphere, TheAutocrat, oohshiny, esko-man, once4got10angel, RedMongoose, kreugerpranka, Jhrawr, Hnim, BigxxBang, kornslipknotstaticx, brawlisthebest, demango, JM-DG, fredstermaster, SpoicyLemz, JarateKid, MadnessBomber, FEMayhem, Zero-Insanity, vampyrita, XenonMonkey, zedscomet, GoddamnBatman, Flafla2, Zyrotech, SephVal, Protodude1337, grandmc117, LordK, greensucksbluerules, UltraCowPig, Dervishi, CaoDung, Veragoot, G4M3FR3AK, Dragonseye20, DignitySquared, billabo, Atien, zilver692, Memnock, Zacirus, subluke, sealdog, Gadgetphile, Prid-Outing, SolerEclipse, punk-u-up, Ytaker, OXXOI77777, nuhbnuke113, xReaperxCheshirex, TharosTheDragon, silenzion1337, BlueSpeed7, DannyJay, Ferrari13, Nyeb, Razirek, melmelcom, Kenta-ren, jaxxy, kybrant, Alex616, LordKieta, zeus-almighty24, Paetar, Dangerous-D, disasterarea, TheDancingNinja, Bischof-Rasputin, RamUrMother, IchigoChamploo, DTilly, Ninja-Walrus, Potatosiris, 14etan, HappyG, dusky144, Shadow-of-Death, goldc, Ichverbot97, Lotica, bobo081093, MattTheParanoidKat, gangstarrzx, ElTopoMagnifico, RayXP, Stretch9, flamingfang, IdiosYnCrasY, creepyboy, Vikinghorde, TiberiumCrystalKutu, Goodpunypain325, Scarface, joemonty7, Black-Ops, LuisaMesh, Dark-scarecrow, scriptingsoul, Gathouria, Dopamint, foggyland1, freweawee, joe9320, Eloste, Naruto522, Avizura, littlegonkyboy, XenothranHero, KidaKat17, MapReader, Computer112, MasterMarioMX, halo-25, ck5000, Senyajr12, techfut, B1KMusic, Druidtton, killll11111, NIGHTkilla, NIGHTkilla, NIGHTkilla, NIGHTkilla, NIGHTkilla, NIGHTkilla, NIGHTkilla, Plejcina, ian7101, Fooliolo, Someone210, shade7480, gamemaster1494, Devour, Kajio, kabogh, Rathaloskid, Bloodraven432, BLACKNEND, deathdefiance, Pelarys, ZJ, Reyden1000, pryszczu, SilentxKnight-00, makadark, banaananinja, BlackShArk666, b0em, DarkoZKing, kamihunter, Raikennen, DevilAlphaPhoenix, verktyg55, Rezolution, Mariofan32234, Madthing7, billy6540, cga-999, JimmyCarlos

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Short, sweet, and utterly unsubtle, with a few free medals as a bonus.

Not much to this little political piece, but when you're publicly protesting a widely-despised bill and offering large-scale catharsis to its would-be victims, that doesn't really matter.

sopa jajaja

Thank god, sopa never made it. So awfull ,if they want Sopa, go slurp it from a canned one :v

I never liked the name S.O.P.A looks like the word soap

You are a Latin American, because I saw Spanish words and I don't know how to speak Spanish :(

And you are against the creators of NG

Credits & Info

4.05 / 5.00

Jan 18, 2012
4:00 PM EST