Thanks guys. Leave some comments for me to read.
If I wanted to be disappointed I'd go watch Death Note Live Action
Need improvement
The music is more annoying then consistent death in Battlefield 3, despite the existence of the sound mute. Also, the second level is unbeatable. You can't shoot backwards to hit the tanks behind the slingshot. And if any tanks aren't destroyed but pushed off screen, they don't count towards beating the level.
Needs a lot of work
The music in this game is atrocious, don't ever use it again.
The second slingshot level makes no sense. Why place the targets in an area where the slingshot cannot aim? If you're going to do that, you need a physics engine and something to bounce the stone on.
cAN't beat the 2nd level
The string is only programmed to pull to the left, and you can't hit the monsters well. Not a good game.