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Seyinda Audition

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Author Comments

First of all, I apologize that there is no Music and that there is no Voice for Abram (which is unfortunate as he has the most spoken lines in this Animation). This is due to time constraints. I will attempt to put them in at a later date.

Other than that this really supprised me. First of all that I finished it, Second of all that it turned out as good as it did. And on top of that, this did NOT follow the script or story board I had originally planned.

I still have much to explain, I hope I get the chance to do so in the Future!

Also, this is for a Tournament that is held at DeviantArt.

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The only problems I saw with the video was that the animation was a little copy in some places, some of the sound quality was a little low, and the non-main characters had no voices. Aside from that I see a lot of potential for this video and actually highly recommend that you go back and redesign/rewrite a part of the storyline.... Yea, it feels kind of like you rushed it with the storyline. :I

The talent is definitely there, it's just the execution that needs. Seems like it could be a great story. You should look at continuing it.

great anime

Awsome, the only advise i could give you is make things more Defined, like the town he was staring @ when he was @ the top of the hill, other then that Good job!

Cool well done

it well be nice if you can find someone to voice him or do it yourself with a pitch :D

Credits & Info

4.35 / 5.00

Feb 28, 2012
3:20 AM EST