this came out after madness project nexus 1 was released. the id number for project nexus 1 is 692473 and the id for this game is 692474
Combo Killer Collab, held on FluidAnims.
Failed to post it there but instead here and some other sites.
Mixed with Professionals, Intermediates and Begginer Animators.
this came out after madness project nexus 1 was released. the id number for project nexus 1 is 692473 and the id for this game is 692474
Dude, that was FANTASTIC!!! Keep up the good work!
that was pretty good
Well... Yeah... Thanks
Interesting way to do a colab, with the same scene background. All of the animations were very fluid and did not have any choppyness.
I only came across a couple of problems. I did not know that the scenes (animators) were changing until a quarter of the way through it. Might want to add something to signify the transition. The background wile gives a comedic feel is a little too bright and distracting from the real animation. You could darken the colors a bit so it's not that eye drawing.
Over all very well done collab.
Very Fluid? Maybe you got your eyes dirty or something O.O