While simple the animation is nice. The volume is entirely too loud. The sound quality leaves a lot to be desired. If you re-recorded the sound so it wasn't so distorted and lowered the volume substantially it would have rated much higher.
mmm no es nada del otro mundo solo ago esto cuando estoy aburrido y gravo y dibujo lo primero que se me crusa por la mente solo espero que les guste las animaciones echas en flash y si alguien quiere darme ideas seran todas bienvenidas je
While simple the animation is nice. The volume is entirely too loud. The sound quality leaves a lot to be desired. If you re-recorded the sound so it wasn't so distorted and lowered the volume substantially it would have rated much higher.
Muchas gracias la verdad esta animacion no la iva a subir porque el audio es de microfono de pc y la animacion del 2009 je pero muchas gracias me sirve mucho tus aportes =D Saludos!!!