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Escape from Hell

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Escape from Hell

Play Game
A devil. Lots of paths, but only a way to heaven.
  • » Mild Violence
  • » Mild Text

Author Comments

Bob's way: Escape from Hell is a platform game where the action is not the most important component. Bob is a good devil, but he has an annoying work. He hates it, and he hates his chief. So, where can he go? Bob will start a journey to... Heaven! Do you want to help him? Solve the labyrinth and find the way to the blue sky...

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i applaud the change of pace but this game is SLOW. your character moves like molasses, the jumps are trial and error and to top it off, it's sacreligious (though funny)

its ok but each time i get hit the game freezes 7/10

I just beat it and I loved it the whole time! It gave me a challenge, had great animation and it was addicting too! I love a good challenge...

Cool game. The gamepaly is a little slow but apart from that the graphics and plot work preety great. nice job.

too dang slow to enjoy. the music gets old fast. didnt see anything new or special in this game.

Credits & Info

3.27 / 5.00

Apr 16, 2012
12:18 PM EDT