Que recuerdos.
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UPDATE: It seems that a bunch of peeps are getting stuck at the beginning level. Click at Monty's feet to make him lay down and steady his aim. Then, you'll be able to figure out the rest. Hopefully. lol.
UPDATE: The bug in level 1 regarding the guard's codec is officially fixed. Y'all can all stop complaining now. Jeez. Just kidding, thanks for the tip!
UPDATE: Awesome! Got frontpaged like a mo'fo'! Thanks NG peeps for doing your thing and for playing my game. Thanks to all the people who like my creations and also to those that don't. Either way, it motivates me to do better. Thanks Tom as always, for making the most badass site on all of the interwebs.
UPDATE: Daily 2nd! Awesomeness! Thank you NG peeps! You're the reason that I do what I do.
Created in 2010, Released Now.
A few things to note about the game. I know many people will be upset about how brief the game is; I've even limited the kill choices to only 2 options at any one time. The game was intended to be a quick time waster, a fast 3 minute-entertaining-enoug h run. Those looking for a more engrossing game, should look forward to the 3rd, which will be called, CKC3: The Real.
Now for the official, overly-excited, explain-what-your-game-is spiel....
Help Monty break his friend Kenji out of the Kill Chamber by using various ways to dispatch and kill your enemies!
8 Unlockable NG achievements to earn. Do it.
- Eric, ESP Animation
Que recuerdos.
Remember this game from primary school lol
I adored this experience - as a child I used to draw these type of stick figure scenes as a way to kill time in class, and had flash been this advanced back then I would have adored it even more.
It feels like a mix between traditional QTE's and Point and Click adventure games, which ultimately makes it feel like an interactive animation. Well Done.
You have to hover over certain points with the mouse.
Then there appears an action in the action bar.
To get started you have to click at the stickmans feet.
yo the game MY CHİLDHOOD