Well. For the greater part the game is pretty good. However, it seems to be a bit lacking in that some elements don't seem overly reproducible. There have been a few levels I got a bit stuck on, now I set at level 40, with the same bloody set up I have drawn and re-drawn over and over again. It was the same setup I had before watching the walkthrough, and the same one you use in the walkthrough. And yet, no matter how long I let it run, or how many times I redraw it the ball refuses to make that miraculous leap above the top of the tube that happened in the walkthrough on a hastily drawn setup. One would assume that this would happen randomly if the game was left alone for long enough, and yet I have seen no such thing happen in the actual game. The other levels I had trouble on I was able to get to work (though not how they were shown in the walkthrough. This leads me to think that the result is just a bit too much based on luck (not to mention you can play the same level with the same setup twice and get different results). Any level should be able to be finished with relative ease with the help of the walkthrough. I just don't see that here. So, as a result I cam giving this game 3.5/5 stars and 4/5 (would have been 3/5 but I voted before I got to 40.