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Hanna in a Choppa 2

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Author Comments

There is a helicopter, yes, and you do need to land at the flag, but in the meantime, you can use your Manipulator to push stuff around, uncover the hidden secrets in each level, and earn the greatest achievements ever! Follow instructions, or ignore instructions. Either way, it could end in cake...

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So I just 100% this game a third time.

Yes, it is that good. It is fun to just play and even if you get bored you could just come back later when you want to play it again.

I like the design. The graphics are very good for only being two colors. It is well polished and I did not find any bugs. A little funny how you could crash into a wall at full speed and just bounce off with some vechicles. Other times glitch out of the level and find a secret there to unlock an achievement. Yes, it was intentional.

It was a nice variety of vechicles. Some were kinda boring though. I did not enjoy the biplane and the VTOL had strange hitboxes. The balloon was a bit boring but the calm music helped me enjoy it more. The old winch that is used for Jetpack, Biplane and the classic choppa seems to not affect you by the weight of the item you lift. If you get hit by the weight while carrying it it can cause strong turbulence though. Jetpack was the only vechicle I turned with Z/X instead of </>. I did use Z/X for other vechicles in special circumstances, like moving out from a corner with the biplane and tilt the balloon. A tip could be to press T to show hitboxes. It could help in some levels in various ways.

It was nice to play the old levels with the new vechicles. They turned out to all work. The wide variety in gameplay and references was a nice touch. I like the jokes overall. Especially the secret for The Best Joke In The World.

The hardest part for me in the game was all that stuff you did not know how to find. I was able to find all secrets by myself, but not all quiz questions, and answering them was sometimes impossible even if you have the web to search. Luckily there was a complete walkthrough on JayIsGames but it has sadly been taken away now. In Twisted Firework Starter there is a quiz question outside the level to the left and it was not even part of the secret which is to lit all the fireworks at once, and in Them the secret which is not even any words but a crystal can be clicked for a quiz question. I only knew it thanks to JayIsGames but I have forgot the answer now.

I see that this has been published by the sponsor, but if the author reads this you should know that this game is how it should be. Joy it is, because I play it to have fun.

Someone likes his cat...

Ain't no way it was here all that time. Like I knew it was on Kongregate and some weird archive program, but... here? Really?
UPD. Turns out some modes like VTOL and especially Biplane, are pretty laggy, huh?

Very good game! loved the hell out of it, great and unique artstyle and controls!

good game but i found another bug:at spin ya later i stuck in the wall

I think there's a bug, Same problem as Murdaught, I finished the first level but still there was a message pointing to the first level. Please FIX!

Credits & Info

4.22 / 5.00

Jun 26, 2012
6:10 PM EDT