haha nice!
**wow! front page and 160k views! thats unreal! - I'd sure appreciate anyone who likes my stuff to check out my youtube channel!**
**Thanks for daily 3rd! i feel like its been so long since i've submitted a short comedic toon - i really do appreciate it - much more to come**
how goes it everyone!
Here's just a quick short I worked on - so I hope you like it!
Starring the wonderful Morgan Lea - -Check out this awesome
project she is working on - based on Dr. Who
http://www.youtube.com/wa tch?v=o7GG4loOPmY
visit my new channel:
http://www.youtube.com/us er/LewToons
also here is the original commercial that this is kind of inspired from: http://www.youtube.com/wa tch?v=uEpBYKOs3ys
see you on the flip flop!
**Edit: Seems a common question here and on youtube is: "why would zelda be doing this" or "why zelda" - - this toon is based off of those old GI JOE style psa's that they used to have after the cartoons..where the characters would appear in some situation they had no business in, and offer advice to some random children. it's an 80s cartoon thing...did captain planet do those too? haha **
haha nice!
HAHA XD pretty funny parody nice job!
the ending was gay
I didn't need to see that.