Steaming pile of crap!
Seriously though, it is actually not worth the time to blam.
this is my first none stick toon in which i put some effort into it so please be reasonable and the sound goes with the toon on a fast pc than a slow one so turn quality to low if u want the sound to go with the movie...
Steaming pile of crap!
Seriously though, it is actually not worth the time to blam.
Has potential
K, I think this one has potential... I'm a fan of crude graphics, so long as they're done right. It's WAY too short tho. The dog pissing(?) on the stone-thing could have been better too. It should have done as dogs do. Not as man does. ;)
Just don't make any Madness tributes ok?
I rated it a 1 because I feel sorry for you after viewing your other creations, and the dog was pretty cute, even though I can't stand the little mongrels. I realize no one's rated this thing in a long while, but I just like reviewing, so there you have it. So says Dr. Manhattan...
man, finish it, then click the sumbit button. people dont like unfinished stuff. especially me.
Don't submit unfinished work.
Please finish this before you decide to post it.
Alright, your drawing skills need improvement, but your animation skills are decent. Once you've got better visuals to work with, the rest should fall into place. That's all the advice I can give you for now.