Feels nostalgic for some reason
Happy Madness day 2012 everybody!
Well here it is, Madness Deputation....
Its shorter than you would like it to be, but thanks to my crap laptop this is the best it can do... so.... YEAH! HAPPY MADNESS DAY!
Enjoy :D
(P.S I know what deputation means, I'm just using it cos it sound fancy as a title)
*(SPOILERS) Mag Hank isn't as strong as you think he is, He cant take a grenade launcher to the face, because Mag agent: Torture was torn asunder with one in his head, nor can he take 5 bullet's to the gut of a gun that can cut an agent in half*
Feels nostalgic for some reason
This is so awesome face
great but where can i get sprites of ressurected sheriff?
LOVE this style