Hey, I love your flash.
So this is something I made to pass the time since I was still waiting on gathering audio for a series I wanted to start. Kinda wanted to poke fun at anime. So I hopped on my electric sandwich dragon and I was on my way to my friend StaticBunny's house, I knocked on the door and ordered him to do voices for some of the characters with me, so he said sure and we were on our way. 13 days later, this video was born.
Obviously you can tell I attempted to get the art and animation to LOOK like an anime, but I also wanted to keep that creamy-vibrant sorta coloring (thus sadly making it look exactly like Girlchan), along with actually lip-syncing some parts, because I just couldn't stand the way it looked with just mouth-flapping ha ha. So yeah please enjoy the two weeks it took me to make this. Of course I'm not NEEEARLY where I want to be at in animation and art skillage, but I hope you like it anyway, on SOME level... btw thanks to StaticBunny for helping me come up with the name... lol
Hey, I love your flash.
This had me laughing---
I've never been into Girl chan in paradise, I think I watched it back in 2010 or something so maybe because of that, it didn't take away from the experience of the actual flash. You did awesome, and I was laughing at nearly everything, which I haven't done since Pokeawesome. :P
Keep up the good work.
shit this funny
Yeah, that iron face technique cracked me up! Very nice!
This is really Girlchan in paridise-y