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NOTE: You must make sure this cartoon is loaded before pressing the play button. It will be when the tab has the NG icon.

This is my first animation. It's very fast and short, but you should be able to see what is going on. Any feedback is nice. Constructive criticism will be welcomed and then quickly thrown out the window, because I already know that everything in this video can be improved.

If you think about blamming, please try to consider what you are doing for a bit - this animation is not horrible.

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I'm not much for critique, but... I liked it.

Wardsmith responds:

Heh, I don't see why anybody would, at this point. I've grown rather disillusioned with my own early work. I'm glad you posted that, though. It's a good boost.

Five stars for a really good start, regardless of how old you are/were. You will potentially make much better and longer animations. I look forward to it. You might even be able to make money from advertising revenue eventually. That won't be for a while, but maybe make that a goal.

You've got the basic sound effects and blood action working pretty well. That's just about the jist of it in my opinion. But I'm not an animator, just a viewer. However I think if people saw these things more from a viewer's perspective rather than an animator's perspective, they would be able to overlook all the technical aspects of the flash and just see it for what it is.

A guy tries to push another guy off a bridge, but he trips, falls off and gets impaled. It was funny.

Wardsmith responds:

Thank you.

well, ot certanly isn't extremely good, but if it's your first animation, it's not bad. If you keep drawing and animating, you'll get better. Just out of curiosity (No this isn't me being mean or anything, just out of curiosity) how old are you?

Wardsmith responds:

I've been trying since about 14, but I'm 17 now. I don't see how I could have taken offense. I was 16 when I made this flash.

good attempt. but meh

It's a start
Good use of different camera angles and facial expressions

Credits & Info

2.90 / 5.00

Oct 30, 2012
1:32 AM EDT