XD love the video, pretty thoughtful!
EDIT2: Also Front Page. It doesn't get any better.
EDIT: Woah Daily 2? Thanks for the votes everyone! I wasn't even if sure if anyone was going to like this one.
Check it out.
Here's a cartoon that I started waaaay back in October for round 2 of a competition called Nooni Media Animation Extravaganza. The theme for the round was "Sweet and Sour". Contestants had about a month to complete their entry, but I didn't at all. By the end of the round I had about 5 seconds of actual polished animation and a whole bunch of seconds of ugly looking animatic. Fortunately though, I made it to the next round and ultimately came in 2nd for the entire competition. Pretty neat!
Anyway I decided to go back and finish this one up because I liked it. I hope you do too.
So, ya know, vote, leave a review and I'll respond, rate comment subscribe, share on Myspace, all that stuff.
XD love the video, pretty thoughtful!
Hahaha!!! It's like some twisted Rube Goldberg machine!
.......I had something else to say but I forgot what. ^^;
haha nothing more needs to be said :D
Now he has in his hand the last picture of that city hehe
yes its true what they say
Great little piece, nice ideas.
LooooooooooooooooooooL :D