Meh not the funniest thing I've seen but it had this odd aspect that made me wanna keep watching it. Graphics aren't the greatest and audio is OK at best. Could use some more animation from other characters instead of staring blankly. 2/5
Members of the public queue up outside for a chance to come into the studio and ask 'Can This Happen?'. Presented by Colin Fleetwood and Jessica Pelrose.
Meh not the funniest thing I've seen but it had this odd aspect that made me wanna keep watching it. Graphics aren't the greatest and audio is OK at best. Could use some more animation from other characters instead of staring blankly. 2/5
Hahhah, wow.
The art really looked bad, but i don't mind it THAT much.
The plot was switched up at random times, and some parts were boring, but some parts were hilarious. The racist joke in the intro REALLY downgrades the score here.
The voices are... mrweebl? o_o
Animation was okay, no comment aboout it.
In short, I like the video, but most of it needs to be improved, and for gods sake, THE FREAKNG INTRO NEEDS TO BE CHANGED. 3/5.
Oh god, I never thought I'd see a Robot Wars reference today.
Hilarious in places, mildly funny in others, and I detected a little surrealism as well. I was half expecting a twist or reveal. But in of itself, it was a good way of putting together a load of random little skits into one production. This "Can this Happen" game show was a good way to tie it all together is what I'm saying.
The animation istelf was lacking, and with moments where the characters are talking to camera, it could do with some body animation. Gestures. Nods and tilts of the head. It would add an awful lot to such scenes.
Unless you like voice acting female characters yourself, I'd recommend you get help from a female VA. Check out the forums under Community>Forums>Audio and look for the topic "Voice Actors Wanted" and I'm sure there'll be someone happy to help you out with that.
In summary, I did enjoy watching this and I do look forward to seeing how it will develop. I'm hoping there'll be some sort of arcing story that will develop from this premise, but honestly, I'd be just as happy with a collection of random funnies presented as you have with this movie.
Hope to see more soon.
N64 Magazine represent.
oh dude it was very long could nt withstand it more than 3 minutes.though the animation concept and inbetweens were well planned and were good but the length of the clip was beyond my patience.My only advice for you is to make it shorter and simple,Everything else is all right
Keep it up i hope there is more