I love fart jokes.
This one's for all the 5th graders out there. These are the top three, most humiliating and ridiculous farts I've ever had the pleasure of farting. Thanks for taking the time to see this awful video. Check us out on Youtube if you enjoyed!
http://www.youtube.com/us er/brewstewfilms
I love fart jokes.
Another funny one
So here was another one and this was funnier then most I really enjoy the narrating most of all as they make these really standout more then other kinds of animations and you have some nice voice work here and really makes it flow and have some good humor in the whole idea here.
no major changes just make more
F to pay respects
Seems like you've had pretty interesting experiences in pretty much all areas of life! XD Can't say I've ever had any on any scale even close to this! Wasn't expecting there could be this much to a topic such as this but... well done.