Very good. The animation was lazy, but I think that was done to make people laugh. Also, most of the jokes were language laughs, which are funny, but more humor like the snorting scene could make this better.
Rob Ford plays a superhero that takes crack off the streets by snorting it all
Very good. The animation was lazy, but I think that was done to make people laugh. Also, most of the jokes were language laughs, which are funny, but more humor like the snorting scene could make this better.
I liked it! :)
lol this was funnier than i thought it would be!
Animation is kind of poor but the humor is great. This would be a quite a funny thing to see here on newgrounds but try putting some more effort into it! 2 1/2 out 5
Honestly, this could have been a good topic for animations but this one is far too stupid and not in the funny way.